
Club Miata Vancouver Island

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Club Miata Forum

We use a Forum to communicate within our club.  If we want to contact one or two members, we use our published Roster .....if we want to send a message to the club as a whole, we use the Forum.

While in our Forum, you can return to our website by clicking on those words ("return to website") found in the top left quadrant of the Forum.  If you have any questions or need help, contact our club Webmaster.

Our Club Forum is divided into the following general sections:

Forum StandardsThis section sets out the mindset and playing field of our online discussions.
Members Only

Our members understand the need to protect our personal information in an online environment.  Our members know that our club Forum as a whole is encrypted so that the password protection in the Members Only section is as secure as is possible.

Technical Q&A

This Section is accessed by members only and all discussions are available to view by the general public.

Product & Company Reviews

This section is also accessed by members only, and again all discussions are viewable by the general public.  Members are encouraged to share their experiences with aftermarket Miata products, companies and service centres.

Buy & Sell

This section again is only accessed by members of our club.  The general public can view all postings, and they can respond as set out in the post.  Buy & Sell items will be kept on the Forum for about 6 months (unless you notify the Webmaster), at which time they will expire and they will be removed.

When making a post, you will come to the following screen:

Name:   This will identify you.

Email:   This is where you will be alerted when and if you get a response to the discussion (optional).

Website:  If your general discussion references a specific website, you can add the address of the website here so that others can access it quickly (optional).

Avatar URL:   If you would like an Avatar associated with your Name, this is where you will place it.

Subject:   This is where you will put a Subject Title for your discussion.

Enter Message (plain text only):   This is where you will enter your general discussion.

Try to keep up steering onto the Forum often!

This Forum is set up and maintained by the Club Miata Vancouver Island.

All posts are personal experiences with our Miatas, and/or our Runs and Events with our Miatas.

Every post is personal in nature, and as such it represents the opinion of the author and does not in any way represent the opinion of the club in part or as a whole.

If you have any questions or require further information,
please contact the WebMaster.